scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

purcchase of the year.

Kon proudly presents:

haha. yep, this is the proudest purchase of the year 2008.

well, it took me quite awhile to choose and decide which was the best. my gundam mobile suits were definitely ranked above all else, however, in order to fulfil more morally positive criteria, the piggy bank was chosen.
what's better than saving money? remember i am the spendthrift who never saves?

so applause to my 'purchase of the year'. i have a declaration though, since the day i got it, i have never put any money inside yet......

does this still qualify for the 'purchase of the year'?

of course, this award only comprises of things i bought myself. so, i could not include my DSLR. or else that would be ultimate possession of the year! thanks Dad!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

forte #3: sleeping

refer here

well i was about to just post the link there so as not to repeat a similar post. it is just boring to read another similar post right?

most proof and ways i use my 3rd forte is rather evident in the previous post dated September 19th 2008. however, did i mention the fact that i have four alarms in the morning now? haha. amazing isn't it?

Captain Planet remains
Smurfs too
Chipmunks also ( Witch Doctor )
give a warm welcome to...
Elmo's Song!!

so at 7:45 in the morning, Smurfs starts la-la-ing. 7:0 - Chipmunks starts screaming away. 7:55 - Captain Planet starts teaching about nature ( you know, fire, wind and water?! ) and to welcome my grand sit-up, we have Elmo singing 'la-la-la-la la-la-la-la elmo's song'. why not simply snooze the alarm? well..regretfully, my snooze button is the camera button which is at the side. a sleeping me will only figure out 3 buttons on my phone. the call ( mostly green ), cancel call ( mostly red ) and cancel ( marked with a 'c' ) button.

taking a look at LG's viewty Ku990 might help you figure it out easier.

by pressing the red cancel call button, it would simply off the alarm. the sleeping me would then fall right back into slumberland. i would say that waking me up seems equivalent to pulling some spirits back from the gates of hell. haha. despite the numerous complains and chiding from my dear brother, i have to say he is really nice to have tolerate so far. waha. thanks babe.

off to sleep then...


Monday, January 12, 2009

Roll VT. Up Music. Super CG.

in fact, i was dreaming about typing this blog post while resting just now. freaky yet intriguing.

today was my group's studio production day. i would say "our maiden voyage did not sink like titanic." it was fun yet really frantic and nerve wreaking. however it was an experience to remember.

right now, a sense of total relief is filling me up. it feels awesome! never have i felt like this for a uber long time. it is such a wondrous feeling. more projects to deal with now.

off to something much lighter.

it was also today that i found out about my internship company. school is planning to put me into CNBC not MediaCorp, so mistake on my part. i am pretty fine with it. i just want a peaceful and easy life during intern. school is already stressful for the past 2 years.

thinking back, i am already ending my 2nd year. how fast can it go?! it seemed just yesterday when i entered TP. right now, everyone is panicking for their intern. soon i will be stuck somewhere in some camp ( army ). sigh. we are growing old.

a short post today as i'm too tired and mixed emotions are making me
drift around the house. i really meant drift. i'm like floating around the house aimlessly, refusing to accept the fact that i should be doing my school work or at least something.

anyways, i guess i'll go play a tune or watch some shows.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

forte #2: procrastinating

if there is a word you are searching for to use on me, this is the word. i am the kind who never fails to push whatever i can to a later date to accomplish. i work under pressure yet i am susceptible to it at times. i have a very bad control over my emotions and a bad day would result in nothing being done. however, i always have a second side in front of others. now you know hur?


it is often that i try to smile and not show my bad mood. however amidst these 'acting' periods will be some stoning and dazed time. don't worry though, i am never dangerous. i am just a harmless dude. going back to my forte, procrastination is something i guess that troubles most students, not to say those super chiongster species. i never practiced that ( chiongsterism ). it does not seem to tally with my character and style of doing things? i always have idealistic dreams and goals about certain things i set out to accomplish. i will definitely try and reach them but how i reach them is usually the crux.

as usual, procrastination takes over and tells me to wait for the right time. than as the deadline draws near, i start to make a move, but more often than not, it stops mid-way. once again, let's wait for the right time. it is maybe until the week before or few days before ( usually the latter ) the deadline that my mind takes over and realise the amount of time i have wasted away. so there we go, the sleepless nights that follow and the always-satisfying "oh god! i am done!!". a click follows and your report is printing away while you have already dozed off. this style.

like it or not, that is how i work. waha. of course the standard of work is always questioned, but i always read through a sentence umpteen times before i move on. i cannot hand in something that is of substandard to myself! or maybe exceptions do happen?

procrastination, the way things go ( at least in my world ).

"the internet was extended!! by a freaking hour...just for one night..." my mind thought to itself.


the day dumb ( me ) became dumber.

remember the post where i explained my utter stupidity? if you don't, let me refresh your memory. it was a sunny day where the sun shone brightly, dots. straight to the point, it was the post exclaiming about the fact that i found out a way to arrange all my post: the 'post options' link that allows me to alter the publishing date.

so you recall now?

well..the amazing thing i found today is the ability to choose the day that i want my post to be published. i can actually choose when i want to publish my posts?! how amazing?! the dumb me was just chucked into the section labelled: DUMBER. seriously, i think i am an IT dino. an idiot's guide would suit me perfectly.

however, within this stupid aura, a light bulb was switched on. i can now arrange my post even easier!! no more fussing over when to publish this or that. just choose that auspicious date and click away! sigh ( of relief ). how wonderful can technology be at times.

basking in technology.

i remember what one of my classmate said when we were in poly year 1. Lisa once said: "the best invention is the UNDO button!!" i never realise that until the moment she exclaimed in ecstasy when her graphic design work nearly went down the path of no return. typical IT fanatics will go ga-ga over the new gadgets, software and discoveries, but the UNDO button separates itself from all other forms of IT related stuff. i can never picture the day UNDO function is removed. it would spell A-P-O-C-A-L-Y-P-S-E.

i dare say that the day UNDO button disappears will NEVER come.


Friday, January 9, 2009

forte #1: spending money.

this is one ability that everyone is born with. i'm pretty sure about that. however, spending money and being a total idiot about how to spend is different? i have no clues as to how i really spend my money. one moment you see a $50 note in my wallet and the next minute you will see only $5 left? that is to some extent my predicament most often than not.

it is amazing how a son of an accountant and engineer ( both with accuracy in calculations ), can be so inept at doing these simple everyday sums. maybe i'm just too rash in making decisions at times and also too dependent on my mood to spend money? i say this as i never give a damn to my money when i'm in a foul mood. spending seems to drown the burning flame within. i'm pretty sure the people around me knows about it and previous posts have all been sprinkled with notes of over spending.

donate to the quench kon's thirst ( for money ) fund?

also, even though i am working now, it does not mean i have money! i don't understand why my classmates are all expecting me to be some rich ass. have any of you thought about the reason why i decided to work? it is simply because i spend much more than i have!! that is why i need to work in order to support my lifestyle. i know it sounds stupid and most of you will say: why not just change your lifestyle? spend lesser? save more? the bottom line is: i am an obstinate bull. i don't change that easily. so come on people, i am not rich ok?! i spend much more than you guys think.

in awe...

i recently just found my long lost bank pass book. peering in, i was astounded by the amount of digits inside, but under the withdrawal column. i never expected such an amount to appear nor have i ever expected myself to earn so much in the first place. it was an eye-opening experience! waha. it is now my mouse pad. how pathetic right? at least i made the wise choice of not replacing it when i could not find it for the past year. it would have cost me 15 bucks just for a book with columns that shows your sinful expenses. like i need anymore reminders eh?

this reminds me of the pathetic amount within my POSB account. if only money do grow like plants...i might consider flooding the banks and maybe allow sunlight in? maybe fertilisers too. although money does grow money when you invest or save it up in a high-interest-rate back, which is usually never the case. it is still a very long process as compared to working for it?

i'm no rich ass alright?!

since i buy my own, or rather me and bro's shampoo and toiletries at times, i shall end off with something that dumb brother of mine said while he was pulling on my leg hair, testing how strong they were?

"eh, you use shampoo on your leg hair also ar? no wonder shampoo so fast finish!" Corey complained to me one night.


internet, the next scary thing.

from internet 'wolves' to celebrity gossip to edison's gallery of hoo-haa to the overly exposed zhang ziyi sun-bathing topless. the internet has indeed open many 'doors' hur?

the mischievous me would of course get a glimpse into these red hot headlines. like who wouldn't eh? haha. okies..not to sound pervy or anything, but it is an issue that the media industry and fans are going to face.

nude beaches are nothing to many people in this world. seeing each other in their full glory seems acceptable. however certain cultures would definitely have their customs and rules. i respect that. however, shouldn't the conservative ones respect the culture of the less conservative ones as well? isn't such things vice versa?

I pity the fact that this asia star is being hushed upon by chinese fans and also the media. although a star has no privacy, does it mean that everything they do must be reported and always tainted ( other than the good things )? i am a media student and of course i understand that the media survives on such news, especially in the current context. this is a gossip world?!

although stars are expected to be role models, they need their own private time and space right? the news made her sound as if she abandoned her own roots and left for another different life. as a star, one definitely has to adapt to the different cultures he or she is exposed to, no? my classes in cross cultural communication teaches us the importance of respecting and learning one another's culture. okies, lame but should this be made compulsory for the world?

people, we are globalising! for god's sake, please do not enforce your own rules and customs on others just because you have the same roots. we adapt and change differently. no two men are the same.

open up...

okies, enough said about this headline news. just felt sorry for her. although i am no fan of hers, but being able to step out of your comfort zone and face the world is one thing to be proud of. i respect that.

internet, the one thing that robs your privacy?! haha. edison had a go at it. lesson learnt for everyone! never keep your personal pictures in your computer! investing in a external hard drive might seem more worthy now?! haha.

cheers to the invention of external storage units!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

the day the internet stood still.

will i get sued for infringement? copying 5 words out of 6 that is used in a movie?


well, the day i never expected to arrive has indeed descended upon us, or rather my family. i would say that this catastrophic event is brought about by a single man, my dad. seriously, how can one survive without the internet now?? the world wide web is the one crucial thing that makes us whole.

the whole story started when my dad, ingeniously decided to set a timer for the modem, only allowing internet usage between 7 a.m. to 12 m.n., which might seem alright at first. however, given the fact that we are all nocturnal homosapiens, it is impossible to ask us to stop work at 12 midnight.

yet another cinderella story..

so right now, we are all faced with this stupendous stress to hurry and finish our work before 12. i found our situation so similar to the famous cinderella, having to rush home before the clock strikes 12. just another cinderella story eh? sigh.

thanks to dad, we have been cut off the virtual world from 12 midnight to 7 in the morning. it is equivalent to having our brains and limbs detached and only joined back at 7 in the morning, while i am in my deep deep sleep.


therefore, i am now looking for the best mobile modem that the service providers have all come up with?! it may seem dumb just for the sake of this stupid act, but it can be used anywhere as well, so no harm trying. no matter how much i rant and argue, it seems futile in the state that i am in now. the worst thing was the reason that they used: we should all sleep early now, everyone should sleep by 12. hello?! we are living in the 21st century now. humans have evolved through the sleep early wake up early phase?! am i right?

good luck to my internet-less nights.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the first gathering of the year!

on that fateful day, Friday, 2nd January 2009, we met up.

we had a wonderful dinner.

funny mahjong session cum 'little nonya' watching.

Celia, Chet, Zhuang and me. well, thanks for being free on this day! looking forward to our next dinner?! Celia can't wait for that to come. sis came along for dinner as well. no photos for the food, but i can always describe it.

the tantalising chilli crab
spicy & fragrant black pepper crab
crispy chicken
fresh and appetising veg ( kai lan )
sizzling hotplate tofu
all served with a mantou each

despite the expensive looking list, the meal only added up to 76 bucks! for 5 of us and we all felt full. it is super worth it la. maybe the crab was a little small, but overall was yummilicious!

since the night was already halfway through, we decided to hit my house for a game of mahjong. dear Celia was going on a winning streak ( which was kind of irritating as she kept winning with only 1 tai, 1 fold ) while me and Chet were trying to piece together a good hand to win. haha. anyways, had lots of fun although we did not chill after that as Zhuang had to leave.

well, knew you guys want the pictures, so here goes:

sorry ar, the second one rather blur. shutter speed too long la.

the other shots cannot make it la. sorry. too blur. except for Celia's flower, bluish-green thing or ( simply ) pin. also, i want the photos with you guys too! don't forget!

anyways, remember about the every-friday thing? well, i actually had plans, but realised that tomorrow is taken by some religion thing. so we will have to make do with the friday after the next since dear Celia has D&D. a Las Vegas theme too! how cool is that? maybe Celia can go as a croupier? or a rich ass tai-tai? or maybe a gambling queen ( not the typical Celia at all )? seems like tai-tai works best?! haha.

so, before the internet goes off ( in a few minutes ) i shall sign off. also, any ideas for the trophies/prize/award for a rock theme awards ceremony? i need ideas!

"i bet a CK brief that you are not 70kg!" a bet that i made with my bro and lost hands down.

Monday, January 5, 2009

the return of kon.


well, i figured a comeback post would much better than stitching and posting all the old unfinished posts. so here goes:

my birthday
horrible grades
stressful school work
nothing much

prepare for tests
school as usual
lots of assignment due
preparation for christmas shopping

term break
christmas shopping
spent lots of money
christmas caroling - fwa-la-la-la-la
countdown to the new year!

so..the new year has passed and it's 2009 now. how fast can time fly hur? oh my buddha, i am turning freaking 20. only one word: OLD. sigh. still struggling with many school work. However, among the work is hidden fun. being a studio director was total awesome-ness. haha.

short post here, but i wish everyone a wonderful year ahead!

"is there really a tooth fairy?" Celia once asked.
