scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Friday, September 19, 2008

the sleeping prodigy.

it's just amazing how easy i can leap into slumberland without any second thoughts.

1. i can fall asleep on any forms of transport within 5 minutes ( provided i am not energised fully or after some high suger in-take ).
2. i fall asleep every night within minutes of tucking myself in ( that is why i have to set the radio's timer on so as to save electricity ).
3. i can sleep again after brushing teeth and washing up.
4. if i'm bored, sleeping seems to be fun cos that will be the first thing i do.
5. i am becoming immune to the various songs for my alarms ( the Smurfs, CAptain Planet and some Chipmunk song. i guarantee you that they are not in the least bit soft ).

yea. Captain PLanet. Imagine: "Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! Go Planet!" while in some la-la land of yours. who wouldn't wake up right?! the problem is..i won't. maybe i am just hearing it too often. i am planning to solve this with those metal clanging clocks. the one with the metal bells. tat seems to be the only way to salvage my too-deep-sleep syndrome.

today's teaching was overwhelming. i am so exhuasted from counting for them. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and......and on it goes till they finish the damn song. and sometimes i even have to change the tempo cos they got stuck. or it would be reading the notes out loud for them instead. however, i cannot really complain cos they are still kids after all. although some are big enough.

after years of exclusion from children's day, i have to face it this year! presents for the little ones. it has been years since i last celebrated it. ideas. i need ideas for presents to give them. i cannot possible make a card for every single one of them. i will go bonkers and my hands will be numb after the 20 something cards?!

i'm sorry, but i will have to post a different post for the events today, 19 September.
