scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Friday, January 9, 2009

forte #1: spending money.

this is one ability that everyone is born with. i'm pretty sure about that. however, spending money and being a total idiot about how to spend is different? i have no clues as to how i really spend my money. one moment you see a $50 note in my wallet and the next minute you will see only $5 left? that is to some extent my predicament most often than not.

it is amazing how a son of an accountant and engineer ( both with accuracy in calculations ), can be so inept at doing these simple everyday sums. maybe i'm just too rash in making decisions at times and also too dependent on my mood to spend money? i say this as i never give a damn to my money when i'm in a foul mood. spending seems to drown the burning flame within. i'm pretty sure the people around me knows about it and previous posts have all been sprinkled with notes of over spending.

donate to the quench kon's thirst ( for money ) fund?

also, even though i am working now, it does not mean i have money! i don't understand why my classmates are all expecting me to be some rich ass. have any of you thought about the reason why i decided to work? it is simply because i spend much more than i have!! that is why i need to work in order to support my lifestyle. i know it sounds stupid and most of you will say: why not just change your lifestyle? spend lesser? save more? the bottom line is: i am an obstinate bull. i don't change that easily. so come on people, i am not rich ok?! i spend much more than you guys think.

in awe...

i recently just found my long lost bank pass book. peering in, i was astounded by the amount of digits inside, but under the withdrawal column. i never expected such an amount to appear nor have i ever expected myself to earn so much in the first place. it was an eye-opening experience! waha. it is now my mouse pad. how pathetic right? at least i made the wise choice of not replacing it when i could not find it for the past year. it would have cost me 15 bucks just for a book with columns that shows your sinful expenses. like i need anymore reminders eh?

this reminds me of the pathetic amount within my POSB account. if only money do grow like plants...i might consider flooding the banks and maybe allow sunlight in? maybe fertilisers too. although money does grow money when you invest or save it up in a high-interest-rate back, which is usually never the case. it is still a very long process as compared to working for it?

i'm no rich ass alright?!

since i buy my own, or rather me and bro's shampoo and toiletries at times, i shall end off with something that dumb brother of mine said while he was pulling on my leg hair, testing how strong they were?

"eh, you use shampoo on your leg hair also ar? no wonder shampoo so fast finish!" Corey complained to me one night.
