scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Project for success 005 etc.

Okies. something dumb occurred so i'll just have to re-type my post once again. Sorry Celia, despite your non-stoppable complains and warnings, i still did not manage to post this entry out asap. but, it is now here.


This interesting storage compartment had our eyes affixed on it.
isn't it just funny? a 'toilet-bowl' design to dumb your dirty laundry in. sis topped the shopping trip with a not really funny joke. "eh, that looks weird and wrong." quoted from Shirin.
she said it resembled a condom. does it? ok a way it does. that's why i flipped it over. but the 'head' is kind of too flat? hehe

and i found the famous Esplanade durians. although the top is also flat.
it was a thrilling day. had lots of laughs cos me and Shu went sitting on every chair we see. testing out all the recliners and rocking-chair to see if they were 'good'. if you don't get the meaning. its alright. "this one too noisy lei. sounds like some bad bed. not good." quoted from Shu.
the last week of school arrived with much pressure. projects' deadlines! the midst of all this work and stress, i still felt that we did enjoy and really laughed in between these projects. This was something we found while editing our 'Remaking-a-scene Project' for Single Camera Production. Look:

it's kinda blur, so sorry. it actually reads: "You are best defense against dataloss"

i know im in no shoes to say much, but maybe check for grammar errors before posting or sending anything for print? it might be a wiser choice cos that's what we have learnt in school. anyways, it was rather amazing that i could actually wake up this morning! it has been an obstacle for me to wake up before the 12 noon timeline. i have been sleeping my days away, but i still did my revision. im all so 'prepped up' for BMR! yea, i am. or rather..i am more prepared for some Pokemon games? waha. Thanks to Haikel (no sarcasm here) i have the chance to play Pokemon again. i know it's that stupid-running around aimlessly-boring-childish game, but it's a good past time especially when i'm too bored with the notes around me.

as for the next few days..Firework Fest! this Friday and sat. definitely will be going i guess. i love the crowd. sometimes only though. other than that..more studying and Olympic watching? Singapore Table-Tennis Women has both of them (Li Jia Wei & Feng Tian Wei) in the top 8 already. All the best yea! and to the Men's Yang Zi, be the first to climb high!

now..i shall just return back to my slumber. i will just find something to do. i need food, getting hungry. as for Celia, hope this post is enuf for now?!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Project for success 004 ('untitle-ble')

im just confused at at lost for titles because this post will be a 'rojak' of stuff that has been smothering and perking me as emotions and thoughts.

well..National Day first. Singapore is now officially 43 and 1 day old. it was a fun-filled day visiting the animals! had great fun! den we went IKEA. i love that place. its filled with all kinds of possible furniture and extras. so many household items we can find uses for. tat day started bad..ended bad though. the parents were kinda amazing! they could start their interrogation at anytime! and i mean anytime cos they were still sleeping when my sis and i disrupted them. it ended with more nagging from them because i had to skip some religious thing to celebrate dear Zhuang's (another secondary friend of mine) Birthday.

to start with, im no religious person already, not to say that this religion of mine has certain really illogical strict rules. First, they are a rigid bunch of people who doesn't seem to understand the meaning of 'holiday' and 'important events (like the Olympics)'. it is frustrating at times to mess up a plan you have since weeks ago, just because of a mere religious stuff.

worse of all..i am sorry to say, but i feel that this religion is getting in the way of our family. i seriously hope that will never be a reason between fall outs among the family. mum and dad are getting more picky for no obvious reasons (to me). sis has been nagged at for not attending. me and bro for not wanting to go. but..isn't this supposed to be a decision made by ourselves?! i don't understand how it works. i don't. not to say that this religion is all that bad, it does have its strong points too. being traditional is a value but it is not the best way? churches are getting interesting in fact. seriously. not to provoke anyone, but i am tired of this. liberation is needed at times still. it is smothering me.

liberation. the one thing that never seems to exists in this house. something my parents can never let go? i dunno. they just seem to think we never grow. we have grown so much and also times are changing. don't you think the before 11 rule doesn't work anymore? i understand their concern, but it might be better if they show it in other ways?

today (10 August) was Zhuang's bday. we went to this rather 'wulu' / not-really -known place in Bedok to sing. i've lost my voice. anyways, we had a fun time there although dear Zhuang had to leave earlier for some concert thing. sads, but we made full use of the time there. the cake was delicious! atmosphere was high. present was nice. card was b-e-a-utiful!! (cos i made it?) and Celia made a bouquet with balloons! how cool eh? she is the one entertainer i cannot imagine. we went to Shu's house for dinner after that. and she cooked! it was really great. yummilicious! but not much chilling other than Olympic watching and remembering that dad threatened to make me reach home by 11. ok..maybe not threaten but a firm note. sigh...
so..the day was spent rather well..except the fact that im gonna get mashed by my parents? they are so gonna kill me, i guess.
tomorrow will be a better day. filming. filming. filming.
nights den. i wan sleep. zZz

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

random and bored.

for appetizer, i took a funny excerpt from our lil convo yesterday with Celia:

Ah Ma says:
i might hate yr wife(i told u i'll get jealous)
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
o my god..
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
this is funny..
Ah Ma says:
yeah! throw follwers!
Ah Ma says:
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
throw flowers at her?
Ah Ma says:
OH!! tts is getting somewhere!
Ah Ma says:
go tip kon, noted!
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
Ah Ma says:
kon i was saying throw flowers while yr walk
Ah Ma says:
but the idea of throwing at her also can

thanks babe. tats really funny. you had me laughing the whole night despite the stress. the norbit and stuff. This time, this convo was not censored in any form to retain its original meaningful essence. waha.

my stomach feels weird as i sit here tabulating and graph-ing the results of the surveys. it feels kinda upset-ted. im in school making graphs that seems to make no sense to me. its really colourful. look:
after..some re-vamping..
7 of August, a bad day. our filming was screwed with an interference with the audio. we need to re-film. wonderful. had my vegetarianism speech today for public speaking. the only subject that i feel can score A easily. it's all about talking. so the day started off and ended off with something similar; group project. how interesting could my life be?
the rain was pouring just now as we were slogging away in the middle of the library at 6th floor. with smuggled food and drinks which we had to hide from this nosey guard. the rain might have made it colder as all of us were freezing.
my sis returned home right after i did. she told us a really funny story of her journey home. this woman hopped onto a cab who claims to be a new driver after 35 days and unsure of how to exit Serangoon Gardens. i am alright with this, but the tickling part was the journey in that particular cab. according to my sis, this cabbie had a fetish to step on the brakes?! and right in the middle of the road. in order to catch the sign boards, this cabbie actually braked in the middle lane not once, not twice but a few times. my poor sis had a puke-jerking way home. she decided to get out halfway just to save herself and the jumping meter i suppose. however, the uncle did not give her any discounts or whatsoever but instead charged the full price.

such people are jus hilarious.
BMR is done! i am so proud to say that i have finished compiling this research paper which seems godly to me.. seriously, i swear i will never touch such a thing again and this is totally insane to put together. i am so amazed with me and my group.
i've confirmed with my sis to relief her other lessons while she is away on her euro tour.. which i am dam jealous of, but have no money to go. therefore, im stuck with working during the holidays to earn that extra bucks and also not waste time. piano teaching is quite a good business eh.
this post is cut short in due of Celia's complains of clicking my blog for the 123983748358 time but no updates done yet. so..i guess i need to account to someone now more often than before and thus, more posts i guess...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Project for success 003

Project for success has been failing badly..

it has been last minute work all along. im going without sleep for days. the heat in me is rising. the fact that deadlines are coming. projects undone. projects undone still. has been quite a day. with all the work and SPSS. check out for more information. this phase of project for success is revolving all around school work and only school work i hope. even when im blogging here, im actually typing away at my report as well. this is how multi-tasking can be done eh. facing the report is just like putting my head in the lion's mouth, wishing that it will not shut down on me.

life has been rather monotone with all these projects and stuff. everything revolves around coursework now. i dun regret this but i do feel that we need a break after everything. its all crashing down on us. good luck to us. i am sure we all need it. to all in CMM.

anyways, Celia has planned the outing day. amazing job and really impressive. it was kinda funny yet really nice of you to do it babe. anyways, this is a WARNING going out to that perverted bastard who actually went to conveniently 'take' my friend's bra in NTU's hostel. its kinda funny why such people exists. haha. dun really want to imagine the after-doings by this sick dude. so do watch out eh.

my body is falling apart. literally. im getting sick, because of all the lack of sleep and water. which i, no matter how hard i try, can never make it a habit to drink plenty of water. maybe it's because of the fact that i have a small bladder? although scientific research shows that males have larger bladders than females on average, i think i might be the below average species? a 500-ml bottle of water will be sufficient to make me approach the gentlemen on that specific door for at least 3 - 4 times. or am i suffering from some bladder problems?

as a early birthday present hint to someone. here is something funny:

Ah Ma says:
and she need BRAS!! kon u wld love shopping for tt

D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
EXE-CUS-SE ME..wad i love shopping for tat..

Ah Ma says:
dunno wad size sia
(ok, maybe the hint was just too obvious..and..content was censored before publishing to avoid any wrong intonations.)

the person should know it right...... i certainly do hope so. I've nvr been to a lingerie section (not to say shop), except for walking past it in those departmental store. and this dear Celia actually asked me to get it for someone who is in need of it. on this 'lingerie' topic, another friend told me this: "you know why there is LaSenza express? it's to get the girl naked faster." of course my first reaction was to laugh. what a wonderful inference right?
enough for the night den, i shall move on with my project. off to BMR-ing. "you all must learn to like the subject, it is not that difficult, it is the psychological barrier between you and the subject." sort of quoted from Ms Chuah. i'll try!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Project for success 002 (continued...)

okies..we'll be talking about in 2nd of August..

amazingly, i slept till almost 2 in the afternoon! despite the fact that i woke up and went to sleep. i was that tired.

my day was literally almost gone since its already rather late and we were going to pay a visit to my grandma (my dad's mum) cos she is still in the midst of recovering from a fall. anyways, she is getting better but really going slow so i wish her all the best and really get well soon. love her cos she was my playmate at home in the past when i was still a little tiny weeny pest. but i always rmb her complains over how the fish was cooked..but..that was all in the past. (my family is now vegetarian..not me and my sis though. we cant seem to get over the good food and enjoyment one can find in real food.) i can't wait for some salmon sashimi and soft shell crab :P
back to today's stuff..

it was disastrous. first, it all started with some whining about the unfolded clothes on the brother's bed and amazingly it was when i was still asleep or rather half asleep cos i could still half get up and hear. mum den went out with sis to visit my auntie who gave birth to a cute lil boy which i only got to know when they got back. im so sorry auntie Julie! the fires from hell crept nearer when my mum got back with my grandmother(mum's mum) and another auntie and my cousin. i was awake but in a state of total blur still but their arrival manage to piece "go and fold the clothes now!!" in my then empty head.

nothing happened then. they went out for awhile to get some stuff and buy their lottery(which cost a lot fyi which i feel can go into my pocket instead.)..den..all hell broke loose(although 7th month started yesterday) when the mum asked the brother where are the handphone components to trade in.

a search began which i would say covered almost every inch of me and the brother's room and it stretched to the other rooms. shouting, rantings, complains, arguing, things dropping and me stuck in a pool of mess and scary atmosphere which was so irritating cos it had nothing to do with me at all. the charger and battery was missing but i managed to dig out an old charger which luckily was suitable to use. however, this wonderfully wonderful brother of mine said he don't know where the battery is. so, the second wave of tsunami hit the room in block 135. it was really dumb. my mum was fuming already so i decided to get away by taking a bath. brother was next AND he triggered the eruption of Mt. Ng(my mum's surname). he actually off-ed the washing machine despite me reminding him not to...... i know it is kind of a small matter but anything to an angry person is enough to trigger off a nuclear reaction right?

so that was it. mum left house. sis came down. dunno where mum is. brother sat on bed doing nothing/playing game? dad sleeping in the living room. me sitting on my stool typing the previous post. den..mum came back and soon after we left for my grandma's place. it was a really quiet trip except for the radio singing away. i made it better with my earphones stuck in my ear.

we only had dinner after visiting my grandma.

den home. and the silence resumed in the car while the radio sings away. and there was a pile of clothes that seemed to scream "you better watch out if you don't fold me!" that was my day or should i say half day? it seemed to have last forever though. although tomorrow won't be a better day (because i cannot sleep in due to a rather 'good' tuition where they need me more then i need them? i'm sorry. i just seriously have no interest in it) i'll just put on my smile and sleepy face.

anyways, the key thing my sis gave me:

now u see the key..

now you only see half of it..

isn't it jus cute..

i found something funny..

im a SpongeBob person..but..this looks kind of me and other normal males..:P


nights to all on this side of the earth. good day tomorrow!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Project for success 002

Project for success has been running on the rocks lately..

into phase 2 now..

after being able to finish my marketing proposal on the dot, saving it from its doomed stage, rescuing it from some ordeal and finally slotting it into tat dark scary box of Ms Tan's..I would say we are quite done with Sports Media Marketing this sem!! ..other then the upcoming presentation to sell it la..but talking and bullshittng is my forte, never a stumbling block fer me..

kudos to me and my group once again..

friday, the first day of August was kinda bad and heavy for me..(however, my pockets were in fact light..or rather empty..cos i did not bring along much money, not that i have much..) in such a pathetic stage, me and Haikel decided to share..a pack of Chips a sub for our lunch..i guess. not complaining, me and Haikel had our food stolen by some of our classmates but we were alright bout it la..right Kel?? it was retarded yet so was a starvation day, i've marked it down on my calender that 1st of August shall be starvation day from now on, in remembrance of our(Kel and Me) sufferings.

my sis returned from her trip in Taiwan too..she brought home something nice for me as well!! loves her..sometimes do wish that she gets left on the shelf so i would be able to reap some benefits of her eh..but nah..i still am waiting for the day she marries..but no worries..i'll conduct the interview for you and scan that 'hope-he-is-not-blind' guy who seems to hit on you den..not saying that you're a bad choice sis :P

thanks for that SpongeBob key thing!loved it! nicer than Corey's Elmo..'s gonna end in 2 weeks. looking forward yet feeling unsecured about splitting classes and getting my new elective..i seriously do not want to get my hands on calculus.

Celia and ShuWen came over to get their presents and a mini meet-up with my sis and of cos me as well la..den before leaving..Celia had to test drive Shu's car bcos Shu has some restrictions on roads (its not too convenient to say so) ..and..Celia has never driven any auto car was sort of a thrill to take a ride in it..we drove round the street with much guidance from us, not that we were worried with the less-than-20km/hr speed, occasional 'yikes' from Celia, directions being shout now and then and of cos Shu's hand on the hand brake.

it was a ride that's not etched in my mind yet too funny to forget..but undoubtedly, Celia can drive..but her Crazy Taxi style in her van is just too overpowering yet totally fun!

i'll get back again later for today's updates i should be a long one after much happenings today..despite the fact that i slept till noon......
