scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Project for success 003

Project for success has been failing badly..

it has been last minute work all along. im going without sleep for days. the heat in me is rising. the fact that deadlines are coming. projects undone. projects undone still. has been quite a day. with all the work and SPSS. check out for more information. this phase of project for success is revolving all around school work and only school work i hope. even when im blogging here, im actually typing away at my report as well. this is how multi-tasking can be done eh. facing the report is just like putting my head in the lion's mouth, wishing that it will not shut down on me.

life has been rather monotone with all these projects and stuff. everything revolves around coursework now. i dun regret this but i do feel that we need a break after everything. its all crashing down on us. good luck to us. i am sure we all need it. to all in CMM.

anyways, Celia has planned the outing day. amazing job and really impressive. it was kinda funny yet really nice of you to do it babe. anyways, this is a WARNING going out to that perverted bastard who actually went to conveniently 'take' my friend's bra in NTU's hostel. its kinda funny why such people exists. haha. dun really want to imagine the after-doings by this sick dude. so do watch out eh.

my body is falling apart. literally. im getting sick, because of all the lack of sleep and water. which i, no matter how hard i try, can never make it a habit to drink plenty of water. maybe it's because of the fact that i have a small bladder? although scientific research shows that males have larger bladders than females on average, i think i might be the below average species? a 500-ml bottle of water will be sufficient to make me approach the gentlemen on that specific door for at least 3 - 4 times. or am i suffering from some bladder problems?

as a early birthday present hint to someone. here is something funny:

Ah Ma says:
and she need BRAS!! kon u wld love shopping for tt

D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
EXE-CUS-SE ME..wad i love shopping for tat..

Ah Ma says:
dunno wad size sia
(ok, maybe the hint was just too obvious..and..content was censored before publishing to avoid any wrong intonations.)

the person should know it right...... i certainly do hope so. I've nvr been to a lingerie section (not to say shop), except for walking past it in those departmental store. and this dear Celia actually asked me to get it for someone who is in need of it. on this 'lingerie' topic, another friend told me this: "you know why there is LaSenza express? it's to get the girl naked faster." of course my first reaction was to laugh. what a wonderful inference right?
enough for the night den, i shall move on with my project. off to BMR-ing. "you all must learn to like the subject, it is not that difficult, it is the psychological barrier between you and the subject." sort of quoted from Ms Chuah. i'll try!