scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

random and bored.

for appetizer, i took a funny excerpt from our lil convo yesterday with Celia:

Ah Ma says:
i might hate yr wife(i told u i'll get jealous)
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
o my god..
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
this is funny..
Ah Ma says:
yeah! throw follwers!
Ah Ma says:
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
throw flowers at her?
Ah Ma says:
OH!! tts is getting somewhere!
Ah Ma says:
go tip kon, noted!
D.A.R.N.O.K. *Body Malfunctioning Reason* says:
Ah Ma says:
kon i was saying throw flowers while yr walk
Ah Ma says:
but the idea of throwing at her also can

thanks babe. tats really funny. you had me laughing the whole night despite the stress. the norbit and stuff. This time, this convo was not censored in any form to retain its original meaningful essence. waha.

my stomach feels weird as i sit here tabulating and graph-ing the results of the surveys. it feels kinda upset-ted. im in school making graphs that seems to make no sense to me. its really colourful. look:
after..some re-vamping..
7 of August, a bad day. our filming was screwed with an interference with the audio. we need to re-film. wonderful. had my vegetarianism speech today for public speaking. the only subject that i feel can score A easily. it's all about talking. so the day started off and ended off with something similar; group project. how interesting could my life be?
the rain was pouring just now as we were slogging away in the middle of the library at 6th floor. with smuggled food and drinks which we had to hide from this nosey guard. the rain might have made it colder as all of us were freezing.
my sis returned home right after i did. she told us a really funny story of her journey home. this woman hopped onto a cab who claims to be a new driver after 35 days and unsure of how to exit Serangoon Gardens. i am alright with this, but the tickling part was the journey in that particular cab. according to my sis, this cabbie had a fetish to step on the brakes?! and right in the middle of the road. in order to catch the sign boards, this cabbie actually braked in the middle lane not once, not twice but a few times. my poor sis had a puke-jerking way home. she decided to get out halfway just to save herself and the jumping meter i suppose. however, the uncle did not give her any discounts or whatsoever but instead charged the full price.

such people are jus hilarious.
BMR is done! i am so proud to say that i have finished compiling this research paper which seems godly to me.. seriously, i swear i will never touch such a thing again and this is totally insane to put together. i am so amazed with me and my group.
i've confirmed with my sis to relief her other lessons while she is away on her euro tour.. which i am dam jealous of, but have no money to go. therefore, im stuck with working during the holidays to earn that extra bucks and also not waste time. piano teaching is quite a good business eh.
this post is cut short in due of Celia's complains of clicking my blog for the 123983748358 time but no updates done yet. so..i guess i need to account to someone now more often than before and thus, more posts i guess...