scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Project for success 004 ('untitle-ble')

im just confused at at lost for titles because this post will be a 'rojak' of stuff that has been smothering and perking me as emotions and thoughts.

well..National Day first. Singapore is now officially 43 and 1 day old. it was a fun-filled day visiting the animals! had great fun! den we went IKEA. i love that place. its filled with all kinds of possible furniture and extras. so many household items we can find uses for. tat day started bad..ended bad though. the parents were kinda amazing! they could start their interrogation at anytime! and i mean anytime cos they were still sleeping when my sis and i disrupted them. it ended with more nagging from them because i had to skip some religious thing to celebrate dear Zhuang's (another secondary friend of mine) Birthday.

to start with, im no religious person already, not to say that this religion of mine has certain really illogical strict rules. First, they are a rigid bunch of people who doesn't seem to understand the meaning of 'holiday' and 'important events (like the Olympics)'. it is frustrating at times to mess up a plan you have since weeks ago, just because of a mere religious stuff.

worse of all..i am sorry to say, but i feel that this religion is getting in the way of our family. i seriously hope that will never be a reason between fall outs among the family. mum and dad are getting more picky for no obvious reasons (to me). sis has been nagged at for not attending. me and bro for not wanting to go. but..isn't this supposed to be a decision made by ourselves?! i don't understand how it works. i don't. not to say that this religion is all that bad, it does have its strong points too. being traditional is a value but it is not the best way? churches are getting interesting in fact. seriously. not to provoke anyone, but i am tired of this. liberation is needed at times still. it is smothering me.

liberation. the one thing that never seems to exists in this house. something my parents can never let go? i dunno. they just seem to think we never grow. we have grown so much and also times are changing. don't you think the before 11 rule doesn't work anymore? i understand their concern, but it might be better if they show it in other ways?

today (10 August) was Zhuang's bday. we went to this rather 'wulu' / not-really -known place in Bedok to sing. i've lost my voice. anyways, we had a fun time there although dear Zhuang had to leave earlier for some concert thing. sads, but we made full use of the time there. the cake was delicious! atmosphere was high. present was nice. card was b-e-a-utiful!! (cos i made it?) and Celia made a bouquet with balloons! how cool eh? she is the one entertainer i cannot imagine. we went to Shu's house for dinner after that. and she cooked! it was really great. yummilicious! but not much chilling other than Olympic watching and remembering that dad threatened to make me reach home by 11. ok..maybe not threaten but a firm note. sigh...
so..the day was spent rather well..except the fact that im gonna get mashed by my parents? they are so gonna kill me, i guess.
tomorrow will be a better day. filming. filming. filming.
nights den. i wan sleep. zZz