scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


i sailed through this first week of my long-awai..(sorry)..dreaded school. It was much better den expected, in fact i got to know many more coursemates and being a small course, we had no choice but to socialise, which never fails me.

I am no social butterfly like some, but the idea of meeting new people can be intriguing and fun. some might jus be the perfect bitches and bimbos but there are real friends as well as foes you can find. politics are everywhere, its just the degree of it, which i seriously have no knowledge about it. why ruin your own mood by reminding yourself that 'this is the one who......'

School will be much busier in the upcoming months and i'll be burying myself in piles of notes, of course in my dreams. but i'll try to slog through this sem to at least raise that low, unsightly GPA of mine. I suck at mugging, never anyone's forte i guess, but i see some who studies like there's no tmr. such are the ones that are admirable yet at the same time detestable.

anyways, my friends and i went to Mind Cafe today to chill and of course played to our hearts content. the session was filled wif pure laughter and screaming, jus to overcome the other groups that were laughing and shouting as if they are stuck on an isolated island in the middle of bla-bla-bla sea. thumbs up!

as for now, i might as well return to my work and also prepare for sleep. i'll make use of my saturday, sleeping, hopefully.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fellis Wheel.

Yea. i took a go on the Singapore Flyer.

it was rather fun with my family and two other aunties and uncles and my god sis. in other words a big outing of 11 persons. kinda dislike it sometimes cos of the complains and relentless sharing of views and criticism about our doings. but the young ones decided to clique among themselves to reduce the poking noses of the respected elders.
so here are the pictures:

The view from below.

The view from right below it.

Tickets after collection, and thats my bro's back as the table-top.

The carriage leaving the boarding area.

The first view after ascending higher den the boarding base.

A helicopter view of the highway!

Almost in line with Suntec.

Reaching the top, all the way down.

So ya, ytd was spent simply till the long awaited night sky fell over. me and my sis had MOF for dinner. and the deserts were jus heavenly!

take a look for yourself:

Yummy soft serve with grind ice, strawberries and strawberry syrup! Mocha flavourede one too. it was cold. but definitely a mouthful not to be forgotten. I know it seems rather too 'eaten' to look nice, but i could not resist it even before it was placed infront of me.


Monday, April 14, 2008

the past few days to weeks.

me back.

went out today. eat. found a new toy for myself. shop. and also injured myself. it seems to run in the family that all the kids here are rather prone to injuries and mishaps. center-gravity-less sis, clumsy and dumb-footed bro and cleverly injury-prone me!

anyways, im here to show my past week's happening.
This is my pass for the concourse performance.

hopefully no one remembers. it was kinda disastrous. although it was kinda fun and a good experience. screwed up some parts of it though. sigh. its over though. anyways, if any was there, hope it wasn't that bad.

So ya, that was the past week.

today..i found a new toy! my new Rubik's cube! yes it might sounds nerdy or weird. but nah, i find this new addition of mine a great past time in train or travelling. its not as boring as i thought it was. so dun see it in that light la. Rubik's ain't all that bad. its rather satisfying though.

and i bought myself new socks for school. kinda striking yea. tats the point of it.

tmr will be the Ferris wheel day. gonna take a ride in it tmr night. shall try and catch some nice shots possible. its the night scenery. yippee!

back to folding clothes le.

i just heard this on the radio, 95 Fm, 'we should sign a petition for Britney to get a chauffeur to keep the road safe.' waha. tats a good one so i decided to edit my post again.


Im the newly employed maid ( part 2 )

moshi. im the ma-li-ah (maria).

well look at this for the reason why.

The famous Mt. Clothes, only visible every fortnight.
the funny thing that me and my bro found was..a 10cents coin at the bottom of the bag. it seems we got paid! amazingly.

here is the proof.

Our pay.

So i guess my 'maria' days are coming to an end. i do hope so. school's starting soon and there'll be less time den.

gonna bank in my pay tmr, not the 10cents, mere 64 bucks. better than nthg still. can get myself some new stuff. alright den, update tmr. kinda tired cos of a long long day. i've been up for 17 hours at least.

tmr ba.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

living in a mentally challenging abode.

I'm going down to a psychiatrist to get some cure for my never ending mental drainage in this apartment. Seriously, i need some relief here. ALL of them are driving me nuts. but hu cares, i'll have to deal with it for the rest of my life i suppose. have to look beyond these matters.

anyways, im rather on tenterhooks bout tmr. its the performance night, the debut night. i'm going to bring down Walt Disney. yikes. Luckily, im not gonna be the spotlight of the night. well, did i mentioned before? its a concourse performance at Esplanade. four days. different themes. but i'll be playing for 2 nights only.

im not nervous now, but it always get me right before any big stuff. my presentations and stuff, but i would rather talk den play actually cos its more scary and technical to showcase a piece of music. and i have sweaty palms whenever i get nervous, the killer for playing piano.

off to putting out some fire within. shall down it wif some cooler stuff. F&N grape? water? Ice cream? maybe my kopi wine?


Friday, April 4, 2008


im back from a break which is not a break actually. ask me why and i'll give u a thousand reasons that willl bore u till ur jaw drops and yawn, u fall asleep and there i am still blabbering away.
I shall recap my days. On 29 March...

My cuppa coffee wine.

den i sticked to my lappie all day...

while i sip my kopi...

nothing much to do...

den i went piano-ing lor.

that was how i spent my day.

On 30 March, i went to our neighbours land, Kota Tinggi for the traditional 'Qing Ming' where we clean our ancestors or rather granparent's grave. yes my ah kong (grandpa) has a rather big grave in Malaysia. but its kinda normal there. abundant land space la.

And tonight, my dad'll be returning from Shanghai. he's flying very often as well. airport seems very familiar to me now. do hope we'll have swensen's later. ICE CREAM! thinking bout this i have a tub of hagen in the fridge.

off to lunch and my cuppa ice cream!
