scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Monday, April 14, 2008

the past few days to weeks.

me back.

went out today. eat. found a new toy for myself. shop. and also injured myself. it seems to run in the family that all the kids here are rather prone to injuries and mishaps. center-gravity-less sis, clumsy and dumb-footed bro and cleverly injury-prone me!

anyways, im here to show my past week's happening.
This is my pass for the concourse performance.

hopefully no one remembers. it was kinda disastrous. although it was kinda fun and a good experience. screwed up some parts of it though. sigh. its over though. anyways, if any was there, hope it wasn't that bad.

So ya, that was the past week.

today..i found a new toy! my new Rubik's cube! yes it might sounds nerdy or weird. but nah, i find this new addition of mine a great past time in train or travelling. its not as boring as i thought it was. so dun see it in that light la. Rubik's ain't all that bad. its rather satisfying though.

and i bought myself new socks for school. kinda striking yea. tats the point of it.

tmr will be the Ferris wheel day. gonna take a ride in it tmr night. shall try and catch some nice shots possible. its the night scenery. yippee!

back to folding clothes le.

i just heard this on the radio, 95 Fm, 'we should sign a petition for Britney to get a chauffeur to keep the road safe.' waha. tats a good one so i decided to edit my post again.
