scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fellis Wheel.

Yea. i took a go on the Singapore Flyer.

it was rather fun with my family and two other aunties and uncles and my god sis. in other words a big outing of 11 persons. kinda dislike it sometimes cos of the complains and relentless sharing of views and criticism about our doings. but the young ones decided to clique among themselves to reduce the poking noses of the respected elders.
so here are the pictures:

The view from below.

The view from right below it.

Tickets after collection, and thats my bro's back as the table-top.

The carriage leaving the boarding area.

The first view after ascending higher den the boarding base.

A helicopter view of the highway!

Almost in line with Suntec.

Reaching the top, all the way down.

So ya, ytd was spent simply till the long awaited night sky fell over. me and my sis had MOF for dinner. and the deserts were jus heavenly!

take a look for yourself:

Yummy soft serve with grind ice, strawberries and strawberry syrup! Mocha flavourede one too. it was cold. but definitely a mouthful not to be forgotten. I know it seems rather too 'eaten' to look nice, but i could not resist it even before it was placed infront of me.
