scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Friday, October 24, 2008

19 years on this planet.

"happy birthday to you,
you're born in the zoo.
i saw a little snake-y
and i thought it was you."

the song that most kid would learn of during their days. i have always dreamt of having a big birthday party, but i never got down to asking and planning one. yes, even till now, i always wanted something big, but i realise big = more work and more planning.

it would be fun but maybe something quieter would suffice.

glad i survived for these 19 years without much mishaps or anything that bad. so, this time round was another quiet and peaceful birthday with the family. a warmth yet simple dinner with some funny photo taking sessions. the table next to us must have been thinking we're a bunch of weirdos ( cause i brought along the tripod so we can take our family portrait without disturbing any others ). The night before was spent with sis, Celia and YX. the free fish & chips day!!

so here goes:
The Family Dinner...

stupid brother..

my yummy cake..

delicious! think it was Bakerzin..

the 'unlike' brothers..

and the family portrait..

The night before..

the scandalous

spot the difference? haha. Celia's gonna kill me.

the chipmunk wannabe.

i love them despite the frequent shoutings, ranting and never-ending arguments. that's our form of communication. also, making us aware of everyone's own pros and cons. sometimes, it is better treating them as friends. as for sis, YX and Celia, thanks for the memories and laughter!! catch up again!

thanks for the 19 years.
also thanks to sis for the free fish & chips!!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

a night at Modesto's

all i can say was: rated contents flying through the night.

to keep it clean and safer for the eyes and mind, i shall not elaborate much about the content? also, i would not want my blog to be tagged under the adult-oriented content. i only serve children's menu here.

Modesto's was chosen after some walking and discussion among us while the main character was making his way there.

dinner was great, with all the pasta, seafood, tomato sauce, delicious desserts and laughter. we had lots of adult-oriented content within the conversation throughout dinner. all sorts of unimaginable questions and statements were added to the cloud of R-rated stuff over our table.

i am pretty sure the content isn't appropriate for all ages, hence no G-rating given, also my dear Celia might just stop reading my blog if she comes face to face with it. yes, it is that bad.

despite being unable to relate the full story, uncensored, i am itching to just briefly sprint, instead of run, through the night's happenings.

4 of us went to Modesto's to celebrate some birthday.
things got interesting at the table when someone spouted some uncensored stuff.
the talk became real funny with all the unwanted-information and hilarious reactions.
however, the food was great! yummilicious!
Thanks to so-called Luke.

as for the promised photos since it's virgin is still undergoing the resize-stage. i have no programs or rather i don't know of any programs that i have now which is capable of editing them. kudos to me eh?

yea. kudos.


"yea, i now stand and pee." Sis, 23 October 2008 Thursday.

taking some time off.

seemed some time since i wrote a post.

headless posts are getting stitched up and ready to go, while the new ones are not here yet. ideas, inspirations, feelings and thoughts are all absent in my mind.

blame it on my DSLR and 'getting-tired-of-teaching' brain, i am so busy doing nothing?! however, i can proudly say: i'm on track for my gym and swim regime!

the happy me have been going to the gym and also swimming ( although only once ). i am glad and really proud that i have managed to pull myself to the gym finally. although school started officially today, i will still get the time to go visit the weights.


having taken photos, i am definitely going to post them, but before that, i will have to re-size all of them cause their file size is HUGE. they are about the size of A2 at original size.

so i promise the photos soon. maybe the next post shall be the photos doing the talking.

i have recently been shopping as well since gym is in vivo. so might as well hang around and shop. catch on new stuff and also sales. look around for any thing nice and worth taking a second glance. you might think i am kiasu or whatever, but i have been looking around for possible Christmas presents.


this is to ensure the availability of the presents when Christmas approaches and also since the funds are still present now. i am a spendthrift, remember? so the money might be gone by then?


also, my birthday is like Friday? so, lots of treats ( which i am kinda not looking forward to. kidding! ), self indulgence and of course more self pampering? dots. i'm not a miser, but it's just painful to spend so much in one shot? especially when it comes to treating? so babes, please do not ask for expensive restaurants like Carnivore or close to it. something less atas ok? =)

shall share the Modesto's dinner another time. off to some daily chore and preparation for tomorrow's really long day. sigh. all thanks to sis.

glad she's back tomorrow.



Saturday, October 11, 2008

the source of my sins.

that would be: my eyes.

either that or my desire is one hell of a bottomless pit. i'm getting all tempted with getting a new Macbook for myself. right after getting a DSLR, which already burnt a hole in my pocket or rather my dad's, i still have the sinful desire to get myself a Macbook. slap myself hard?

although my eye is down with some viral infection which deteriorates my eye sight totally, i am still amazed at the fact that i have a sinful eye for these things. laptops, camera, handphones and anything nice to me. maybe it is a sort of syndrome yet to be discovered? or some rare and not well researched illness?

i think i need real discipline on myself now. i'm getting way out of hand. sigh.

money is hard to earn and i know that, but it seems like the 'wants' i have are never ending and also becoming bigger in the digits/price tag department?

slap me.

my list of wants can never end? or rather no one's will? if not it would not have been termed 'wants'?

economics, marketing and also some thoughts have knocked me hard with the difference in 'needs' and 'wants'. however, the greedy me will never satisfy the insatiable desires i have?

slap me again.


i am pretty sure it doesn't help.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

kids. the unpredictables.

kids are just so unpredictable in every ways. their reaction can be one out of a million at times.

one just gave me an experience i will never forget. not because he simply cried, but because he cried over something kind of funny?

the story goes:

Adrian came with his elder sister, by a year, last week for a trial session to take up piano. Today was the second time he came for his trial. he started first, so there we were playing at the games the computer software had. on it went for 25 minutes and the question of the day arrived with much anticipation from him. "today got biscuit?"

why the biscuit? it was because i gave them biscuits last week as a small gift for children's day. thus, he thought that it was a weekly gift?

so i softly and nicely said "no, today no biscuit, but if you play well next week, i will give you one." this unloaded the first tears. and he started to whine and complain. rubbing his eyes made me affirmative that he is crying. so, in exasperation ( as i cannot calm him down with nothing to hoax him ), i asked the Administrator to help. she settled it all with an Oreo biscuit. bribery wins once again.

we know kids are easy and nice to hoax and bluff, but now, i see the consequence behind it. i knew that they would become dependent on such reward system, but it is one basic way to motivate and 'bribe' them? moreover, it was only the second lesson?

unfathomable kids.

another thing is: i'm running out of quotes? nothing interesting or worth publishing up here at the moment.

a short one for the time being. empty brains don't make much noises though.

*names were changed to protect myself from any unwanted trouble.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

me, the dumbest thing.

what can i say? i was actually astounded and fascinated that i found out we could edit the date and time the post was written.

nothing to be proud of, but i have to say i'm impressed and also glad to have a solution to all my messy posts without proper headings and editing.

tsk tsk tsk.

i know i'm an IT dino at times, thus it never fails to get me enlightened when i find something new. i'm keen into the technology gizmos, but i am not that good at handling the computer and it's amazing functionality. Blogging is one of them. i use the normal given template for my layout not because i like them, but because i am too lazy and also unaware of the required changes in the html codes within the templates of those beautified and customised ones.

just looking at the codes and the different lines will incur dizzy spells on me. i wonder how those technicians or IT personnel survive looking at them? admiration and questions fill me up.

however, when it comes to the gadgets themselves, i can make a good choice at it. comparing specifications is the only task i can claim to know well within the IT world. and i'm proud of it.

dear sis.

stop spending such money babe! seriously, you are getting sucked dry la. dots. sounds wrong but i have to say it. your trip is kinda planned badly. and thanks to that someone you have to spend extra money. do ask him to get well soon. then you can come back soon too. please take care and best of luck to the $$.

photo marathon.

i'm kinda sad that i can't join in the photo marathon on October 18. i have got to teach the kiddies. sigh. it is a blessing in disguise though. shall not share the blessings then. dots. remember i'm selfish? haha. i don't mind not winning anything or whatever, but the aim of wanting to join in the fun is solely for it's experience and testing my own skills. not to say i'm good, but at the very least have a go at it?

sadly, i'll just have to see it through the pictures from that day then. sigh.

how i wish a miracle would happen like the previous day when my dad volunteered to get me the DSLR and not demanding any return. it is not that he is petty or calculative, but it is a matter of the 'wow' amount of digits we have to pay. maybe it was my luck? but maybe it might have been something more divine? hard to tell.

off to pull a smile across my sulking face and to shower up and get down to something.


"papa, looks like a hot-dog hor."
something i heard upon entering the toilet.
let your imagination run.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Doing Something Lame Right now.

my DSLR has seemed to fill me up for the past few days. i have been fondling around with it. this is the similar excitement when i got my lappie that faithful day? it seems like it.

however, i have not given it a proper try in the outdoors yet. mostly indoor shots at the moment, but i'm pretty sure i'll be snapping out very soon.

enough DSLR talk then.

my swimming regime is going no where. seriously, i have no discipline and the weather ain't helping. it seems that the heavens are sending signs of disapproval to my dipping issue. i just want to swim!

i'm not fat and the last time i measured my body fat, it was severely under the optimum range. it was at the health fair some time back, and i was helping mum's company with my sis. we were the 'blood pressure' station. on top of taking their blood pressure, we also took their fats percentage and some important health conditions they have. the doctors there advised me to eat more and drink more.

i have been doing that and it seems i've grown. however, only by 1 miserable kilogram. i have this feeling that i'm gonna get bashed up by saying this but i simply don't grow fat! i just grew less toned. comparing the past and present, i see some growth in width and height, but it is so minimal. my building up regime is also getting no where.

so, please do let me continue with it now! since i have the time to go. i am pretty sure when school starts i'll be dragged off my regime once again.


anyways, while flipping back the pages of the children's exercise books while teaching and upon receiving my pay cheque, i realised that a month has passed without leaving much prints in it's track. time waits for no one. it appears that 24 hours is never enough for any typical human. it has already been a month at the music school and school is already about to start soon. yet all i remember is the BMR ( Basic Media Research if you remember ) paper which seemed to be only yesterday. exaggerating, but it is true. it seemed only recently that i ended school, started relaxing and sleeping like a pro ( nothing to be proud of ). it is really amazing to think that i have passed a month of holiday by doing almost nothing? except the fact that i'm teaching?

receiving my cheque, other than the DSLR, was the one thing that got me smiling so wide that i thought my mouth would have resembled Joker's. i'm better looking though. dots. although i know it is not a lot of money, but a 4 digit before the decimal is good enough. it was already more than i asked for or deserve.

it was aeon since i last had such money. i spend money as if i'm drinking water. it occurred to me that i need some financial control, but it ends up with no avail. maybe i need someone i trust to handle my money? get help with financial management? whatever.

i just had a shock of my life. my email seems to be 'spoilt'. i cannot read, delete and move mails. all i can do is get to the inbox page and everything does not respond. they said error on page at the bottom left corner, but no matter what i do it remains the same.


now i can't email my friends and sis. sigh. what a thing to happen on me.


"you smell like butter, means i can lick you because i like butter."
a student of mine, Sunday 5 October 2008.
what are the children nowadays thinking of? this sounds totally......

Saturday, October 4, 2008

give thanks.

thanks dad!

well..thanks to my dad, i managed to materialise the dream of mine; holding a DSLR that belongs to me solely! ok, maybe anyone might be able to borrow it from me.

of course some uncertainty and reluctance there, but i will gladly loan it out. however, we must always see the situation and who they are right? if it's someone who doesn't use a DSLR, why lend them?

ok, i know i'm selfish and evil. but who isn't protective over their own stuff?

adrenaline rush from the day had remained inside of me. feeling dreamy, me and dad had a good dinner at Bugis and headed home after that. carrying the two big bags containing my DSLR and it's complements. that did force me to accept the fact that this is not a dream. yet, still in disbelief, i really am grateful for dad's generous investment.


i'm getting my pay soon. hope it'll be some pretty little figures that brightens up my day. i realised that the money i get can't be spend. cos: 1. return dad some money for the DSLR although i know he won't take it. 2. pay sister some money back for the usage of some funds from her account. 3. i already spent on myself before i got my pay? waha. also, believe me, the first point will not be a sum of insignificant numbers.

also, i already gave my word to friends and sis to go on a birthday treat on me. dumb idea, but i love it still. what's more than sharing with your loved ones eh? haha. so, i shall start planning on the money breakdown soon.


other than dealing with the piano almost everyday, i recently refuelled my desire to draw. weird it seems, as i picked up some charcoal pencils from the secondary days, but i suddenly had the urge to draw. to move that hand of mine freely over a piece of blank paper and producing something beautiful to the eye. something that belongs only to me yet for everyone to see. i love to feed my ego sometimes. dots.

life has been the ultimate boredom with a few ups and downs along the way for the past month. although i am satisfied with my life to some extend, it always look as if i am missing out on somethings. i am a greedy person, and it seems we are never satisfied with our life, we want more?

the human heart is something i find impossible to fathom. it is a deep pool of emotions and secrets that one can never see with a naked eye. that makes us human right?

i'm still a sinner and will always be.


"a movie title from a show: Naked Woman Lying on Her Side." what an interesting title eh?

Friday, October 3, 2008

the state of the art ( edited title from previously )/ the day i questioned the word 'fat'.

the change of title was all Celia's provocative words from the day. after typing this single sentence, it started to hit me if i will finish it by tonight? also, i thought about the definition of 'fat'.

why use 'the state of the art'?

all thanks to Celia's informative and descriptive story on her experience with a tranny at work. the trans, a she now, was already in her fifties. the biggest giveaway, from Celia, was a deep voice. being the typical whiny girl, she started recounting an incident involving the tranny and tranny's so-called hunk, or also known as the state of the art.

tranny met mr. 'HUNK' ( you will get the reason for the 'HUNK' soon ) at work one fine day. it started out with ms. tranny 'leering out loud' at mr. 'HUNK' . these words are taken from Celia: "you have such a nice V-shape. your broad shoulders are so muscular. et cetera.". however, it all came crashing down when Celia said: "but he is fat."

furthermore, Celia's measurement of fat is definitely justifiable, as i know her pretty well. it so happens on another day that ms. tranny went a little over to 'check mr. 'HUNK' out. they agreed to exchange their shirts as one of them was feeling uncomfortable in it ( they were in different uniforms ). however, when ms. tranny handed over the shirt to mr. 'HUNK' she stayed there and said: "go on and change, i don't mind." when they were in the same room. of course she wouldn't hur? it's her 'HUNK' leh.

now we see some raised brows? well i would have minded. another view, i admire her for the utmost bravery and straightforwardness i've seen. i would stand in ovation for her ( sarcasm if you don't sense it ).

so, you get the 'HUNK' part now? all Celia could say was: "ya lor, so he is now the state of the art to her." so how fat is fat?

story re-told by Kon
Special thanks to Celia

getting on with life, it was a lazy day. words to tell the day:

wake up.
wake up.
brush teeth.
watch cartoon.
smile into mirror.
take necessary stuff.
get out.
reach Tampines Mall.
meet Celia.
chat and laugh.
see her off at bus stop.

basically that was my day. i awarded myself 2 new t-shirts. sigh. sinful money spent. but i don't give a damn. sorry. the coffee today was slightly too sweet too, but thanks for the effort Celia's friend, Cyndi ( hope i spelt correctly ). it was nice still. Celia dislikes the bitterness in coffee. I told her that is the fragrance of coffee; the bittersweet wonders just like life. ok, no philosophical stuff now.

i went trying clothes, look see look see, check out discounts ( the usual me ) and look for any change in the fashion these few days. i've been associating with kids and their parents only! i need to get some air about the world outside right? the kids are always in their assorted tees and shorts that comes together. those filled with...power ranger, elmo, big bird. and many other cartoon characters. despite seeing them every week, i have to say...

any kind soul here knows where to get t-shirts with cartoon prints like smurfs or elmo or anything near them?



"she said 'your shoulders are so broad and muscular. you have such a nice V-shape.' but he is FAT!"
Celia, Friday 3 October 2008.
has the definition of fat evolved with humans along time?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the art of ( part 2 ).

i was shitting ( sorry ) as i thought about it.

"why have i never had a quick shit? it seems that i never rush the process of egesting the previously ingested food."

the art of egestion ( trying to be scientific instead of crude ).

not to be gross again, but it occurred to me that every time i sit on that cooling toilet seat, i never hurry the thing we do best on it. do you guys have the same observations? hmm..

i thought about it and realised that i always like to take my time in the toilet, like i mentioned before. it happens that a quick poo is never included in my lifetime routine. it is just like my coffee ( not to strike any close resemblance when you have the rush ), which i never rush to finish. the purpose of drinking a coffee is too taste it and the fragrance it has. the intoxicating smell of coffee, not the other brownish thing, is addictive. not to say shitting is addictive but isn't it an everyday thing?

till now, i feel that i have made an impression of weirdness on any incredible soul who have read up to this sentence. i apologise for any queasiness or unpleasant feel. i don't have any thing for the brown thing mentioned above, apart from coffee. absolutely nothing.

making my point clear we shall move on, i guess it is also safer to not overdo the brown-thing part.

the dates shown on my posts are actually the day i started writing the post or rather it was supposed to be. some just got messed up. it is the turn of events that got me thinking: some posts can be delayed while some can't. things that happened today will not be as valuable tomorrow. right? therefore, a change must be made when the time comes.

this brings a thought to my mind:
the art of time management.

boring. never understandable. can never be mastered. these are just the few words plucked from the English language that says all about my approach to time management.

it never fails to get me on my feet thinking about how i should spend my time. however, the amazing opposite would be the outcome instead. staring back in disbelief, it strike me that most of my plans are either disrupted or off schedule. of course time management to me applies mostly to school, sleep, fun and chill for the typical student me.

i wonder how some people manage to arrange and schedule their time so systematically. i never understand the basis behind time management because i live life as it comes. however, things usually turn out the way we would least likely have expected. Murphy's law is as unpredictable as ever.

it always seemed to me that the stories and people in the Chicken Soup series were of fictional writing. it amuses me with the stories that always end in such an evangelical or simply perfect way.

i'm a sinner still.


"are they children if they are always obedient." some television drama.
just as i never was. also, Happy Children's Day!