scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Doing Something Lame Right now.

my DSLR has seemed to fill me up for the past few days. i have been fondling around with it. this is the similar excitement when i got my lappie that faithful day? it seems like it.

however, i have not given it a proper try in the outdoors yet. mostly indoor shots at the moment, but i'm pretty sure i'll be snapping out very soon.

enough DSLR talk then.

my swimming regime is going no where. seriously, i have no discipline and the weather ain't helping. it seems that the heavens are sending signs of disapproval to my dipping issue. i just want to swim!

i'm not fat and the last time i measured my body fat, it was severely under the optimum range. it was at the health fair some time back, and i was helping mum's company with my sis. we were the 'blood pressure' station. on top of taking their blood pressure, we also took their fats percentage and some important health conditions they have. the doctors there advised me to eat more and drink more.

i have been doing that and it seems i've grown. however, only by 1 miserable kilogram. i have this feeling that i'm gonna get bashed up by saying this but i simply don't grow fat! i just grew less toned. comparing the past and present, i see some growth in width and height, but it is so minimal. my building up regime is also getting no where.

so, please do let me continue with it now! since i have the time to go. i am pretty sure when school starts i'll be dragged off my regime once again.


anyways, while flipping back the pages of the children's exercise books while teaching and upon receiving my pay cheque, i realised that a month has passed without leaving much prints in it's track. time waits for no one. it appears that 24 hours is never enough for any typical human. it has already been a month at the music school and school is already about to start soon. yet all i remember is the BMR ( Basic Media Research if you remember ) paper which seemed to be only yesterday. exaggerating, but it is true. it seemed only recently that i ended school, started relaxing and sleeping like a pro ( nothing to be proud of ). it is really amazing to think that i have passed a month of holiday by doing almost nothing? except the fact that i'm teaching?

receiving my cheque, other than the DSLR, was the one thing that got me smiling so wide that i thought my mouth would have resembled Joker's. i'm better looking though. dots. although i know it is not a lot of money, but a 4 digit before the decimal is good enough. it was already more than i asked for or deserve.

it was aeon since i last had such money. i spend money as if i'm drinking water. it occurred to me that i need some financial control, but it ends up with no avail. maybe i need someone i trust to handle my money? get help with financial management? whatever.

i just had a shock of my life. my email seems to be 'spoilt'. i cannot read, delete and move mails. all i can do is get to the inbox page and everything does not respond. they said error on page at the bottom left corner, but no matter what i do it remains the same.


now i can't email my friends and sis. sigh. what a thing to happen on me.


"you smell like butter, means i can lick you because i like butter."
a student of mine, Sunday 5 October 2008.
what are the children nowadays thinking of? this sounds totally......