scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

the source of my sins.

that would be: my eyes.

either that or my desire is one hell of a bottomless pit. i'm getting all tempted with getting a new Macbook for myself. right after getting a DSLR, which already burnt a hole in my pocket or rather my dad's, i still have the sinful desire to get myself a Macbook. slap myself hard?

although my eye is down with some viral infection which deteriorates my eye sight totally, i am still amazed at the fact that i have a sinful eye for these things. laptops, camera, handphones and anything nice to me. maybe it is a sort of syndrome yet to be discovered? or some rare and not well researched illness?

i think i need real discipline on myself now. i'm getting way out of hand. sigh.

money is hard to earn and i know that, but it seems like the 'wants' i have are never ending and also becoming bigger in the digits/price tag department?

slap me.

my list of wants can never end? or rather no one's will? if not it would not have been termed 'wants'?

economics, marketing and also some thoughts have knocked me hard with the difference in 'needs' and 'wants'. however, the greedy me will never satisfy the insatiable desires i have?

slap me again.


i am pretty sure it doesn't help.
