scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

come back post...again...

where do i begin?
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I start...

i seriously have no idea where to begin...

haha. how boring of me eh?

so much has happened since the last post! "Friday flings", internship stories, on-campus session for SIP, GSS, PC show (ending tomorrow), shopping days, money spent (lots of it) and of course my proud announcement:

my very own...

well, by right, i should not be that happy since i actually got myself the old model of an Apple macbook. If you didn't know, Apple has recently changed its line of macbooks. Instead of keeping the still-rather-new aluminium macbooks, they decided to change all of them to macbook pros. the line of higher end macbooks which use to be 15 to 17 inches in the past.

However, i was never a fan of the new macbook as i didn't like their shift away from the well-known white-ish macbooks they are known for. thus explains my decision to get this macbook instead. furthermore, it was cheaper and although not as powerful as the new macbooks, but it's good enough for me.

well, this macbook purchase is actually the latest news, literally just on Thursday?! PC show la... it would be pandemic if someone was to report having swine flu there. HAHA. touch wood eh?

seriously, it is uber crowded with humans. escalators were spoilt too. first-hand experience somemore.

amazingly, i have the money to spend during this spending spree of the year! what with GSS and PC show. how can one not spend right? if it's not on both it would definitely be either one?!

GSS wasn't as impressive, neither was the PC show that good. but, GSS still made me buy new stuff for my wardrobe mostly. Pedro shoes, jeans, shirts but sadly not alot. haha.

Taka was having some toy sale and my god-like gundam mobile suit was there! on sale! a usual price of 600 bucks was cut to 400 bucks! how cool is that right?! but too bad, my macbook had priority...but i'm glad with it!

sigh, some good buy among the not-so-worth-it ones.

anyways, don't expect a short come back post like before this time round! i have a never-ending supply of saliva...sounds a little gross though..

well, remember my adoration of coffee? it has just been promoted to the level of obsession. i am now addicted to coffee, i would daresay.

I am sooooooo (and the 'O's never ends) addicted to that caffeine-filled drink. everyday at list two cups of it? like 275 ml ind of cup? but i'm loving it. haha. 1. it keeps me awake, or rather wake me up from my concussion-like state in the morning. 2. it refreshes my brain when in need of ideas and ways to write my news article at work. 3. the intoxicating smell is just GOOD!

haha. tat's how obsessed i am now.

as for my usual "Friday flings" with my buddies from school, it has been going well but sad to say one's gone to the army, one's troubled while the rest are just shagged. maybe we need a meet-up every Friday instead? Guo's house great as ever. (refer to my 31st floor dream post...)

back to my "touching" of the new macbook. can't get enough of it you know? the beginning excitement one have for everything new? haha. maybe it's just me. i wanted to use the word "molestation", but it sounds really wrong with no doubts nor second thoughts..
