scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the art of.

Celia mentioned in one of those emails that the art of doing nothing is indeed one skill to acquire. as lame as it seems, it is also a really fascinating skill to learn. there will definitely be times where you have nothing or don't know what to do. even those workaholics will have times as such. however, they are the ones who will be able to get down to something the very next minute of fretting what to do? thus the term workaholics is printed all over their faces in invisible ink to themselves.

doing nothing is a total waste of time. although it brings about a series of thoughts usually. it results in emo time most often. Celia will agree with me on this for sure, so does Sis. the mind tends to run wild when we are not doing anything, don't you think?

i start thinking of my life, the regrets i had and also all the times of fun i had. it is also my planning time for shopping, technology updating ( camera studying, new techno gadgets ), future plans and also things to occupy myself with right at that moment.

that's why i find tha art of doing nothing satisfying in a way. it lets me ponder over stuff that i have done, be it right or wrong. i like time on my own. the peaceful, self-centred moments can reflect your life. although my childhood wasn't one filled with nightmares or the frequent cane-threats, it wasn't as distinct as i thought it would be.

now, doing nothing would land me in front of this lappie and start typing away. aside from my naggy ability, i have an endless supply of words from the English language so why not blabber in this democratic society where everyone is supposed to have their say. although ideas do run dry sometimes, it is still possible to write out something which requires lots of editing in the end. i don't like producing sub-standard work, but in school, rushing is the normal way of working for us? however, rushing amidst projects has also made us realise the importance of substantial content. we always insist on making it the best as possible, especially the marketing crap.

i hate numbers, but marketing has given me a new insight of numbers. in my marketing module, the figures i dealt with were HUGE. thousands and millions were spent on the wala-wala campaigns, promotions and adverts. coincidentally, it has always been my job to settle the financial section of our proposal. numbers. has seem to become my forte in the marketing section although i claim to hate numbers. after realising the art of numbers, i call myself the number-man.

lame shit.


"your ah gong loves to sell newspaper ( read: big mouth )"
Mom, in chinese, Wednesday 1 October 2008.