scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

project for success

this sucks.

school sucks. i wanna rant like that little boy who doesnt seem to know anything about this wworld and act as if the world owes him a hell lot of things. im busted shit man. school's adding on to the undying pile of stuff around me.

time management is all i need? i seriously need to consider my schedule and plan well or else the next time i post would be one declaring my drop-out state from school. waha. somehow, it always amazes me how i can actually do my stuff in time even though i have to rush like ants or dying to have that teleporting ability. but i dun think thats a compliment eh? school has been draining for the past weeks. projects, assignments and also an upcoming performance. i am busy man.

anyways, just kinda curious about some people i saw in the bus. well, u know when these people who kinda take 2 seats instead of one. not bcos they put their bags or stuff beside but they literally take 2 seats? ok, i am not mentioning those who are bigger in size or layman terms, fat. i dun discriminate them cos its personal preference to that. however, i find those 'big-balls' or big ass people really annoying. my fren and i gave them these terms. either they are 'big-balled' or they have a 'bigger ass den supposed'. they take up 2 seats la, like open their legs so wide that the poor chap beside have to either sit at the edge and risk falling of when the bus turns or rather stand instead of suffering the balancing act. such people just deserves to walk la.

we called it 'big-balled' cos most of them are usually guys or rather old men la. brainless walking tummy carriers. another kind that just ruins Singapore's gracious society would be those funny commuters who love to squeeze their way to the front when a bus or train arrives. especially a certain kinda people (its safer not to mention any racial or religious prejudice here). they can just walk right in front of you when you are giving way to people to alight and they seem so pleased and satisfied. FK them la. they are such idiots and total ignorance about the others around them. they can gleefully 'float' in front of you just as the train comes to a stop. worst of all, some even squeeze in while the passengers are alighting, just to get their big fat ass smacked down that seat they so "deserved". Another kinda weird behaviour would be those passengers who cannot wait to get off wadeva transport they are taking. god dam knows the bus is full and everyone has to suffer from bad ventilation already(and i pity the little ones who are stuck butt-in-the-face la), they still have to squeeze and squirm through the bus to the door when it is almost a stop before they alight?! like WTF! cant u wait till the bus is nearer or stopping then u move? everyone has to give way and squeeze just to find you standing at the door waiting for another few minutes before the bus actually reaches your stop. am i supposed to say, " WELL DONE DUDE! you managed to squeeze to the door in time for you to get down!"?

Singapore's gracious society just needs training i guess and lots of em.
