scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Dangerous curves ahead.

I took rather long just to get this post up, cause i wanted to read through it and add some more stuff. there weren't much this few days or a week. had an orientation camp for the freshies and there were cute ones and witty ones who can really bring up the spirit especially in this microwave cooking weather now. anyways, the title was inspired by the group of us who went to Mind Cafe. they know why.

it is damn HOT! step out and i start to sweat. that icky sticky feeling just sucks as it really makes me uncomfortable. being a particular person about smells often makes it worst as i get 'over-aware' of myself smelling bad. glad i have grown without a BO, or body odour in long. i can only thank my parents, maids and a lil of myself for saving myself since young. bathing was seen as a chance to play with water and it made me 'high'. those pathetic young days were just unimaginable and totally kid-ish. but i kinda miss them still, its a brainless life.
proper school has started now and it doesn't seem to get better. with some useless lecture being made compulsory and some subjects which seems to never end while drowning us. it is really that torturing to my ears and brains which is dead at the time of the lecture. sweets have lost their effect on me even after downing dozens of them which might just end up making me run to the toilet every now and then to release the laxative effect.

O wow. i overslept for todays lesson. and my mum is making a helluva big fuss here. 'quick i fetch you there( when its way pass the 15 minutes grace time)' , 'go take MC la! (which i did not expect from her)' cos the parents are a couple of rather old-fashioned bound people but they're not traditional strict kind. weird eh? so im here continuing my post to spend some time before my next lesson. which is at 1, so i have nothing much to do now, given that there is no work to do yet.

Yesterday was the brother's birthday. this bum is getting old ahead of us. he is the 'eldest' one now, so everyone says. He looks old but he is as kid-ish to me still. that intolerable oh-so-lazy bum of his is just neutralised by his witty nature. his big head might indeed contain some brains, amazingly cos empty vessels make the most noise.

Happy Belated Bday to u here den.
