scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i felt feverish.

was it the oyster at 85? the otah? the prawn mee? or wadeva else i ate? the weird thing was it only started to upset my internal system one day later.

we had the 85 dinner on Friday night but my stomach only started aching on Sunday morning. the pain was that bad. it made me shiver in bed for the last few precious minutes of my sleep ( i still had to teach ). it was a really bad day. i still had to count for the kids while leaning against the wall to not fall while the periodic pain haunted me the whole day. it was a amazing mix of feelings. not to be gross or sick but it was really enlightening to experience that. I felt kind of near to the heavens as i was really feeling exhausted and blur the whole time. i even read the wrong clef ( the music clefs ) for a student.

now, the feeling was kind of rush-to-the-toilet, too-pain-to-move yet i have to alternate between sitting and standing because it seems to help a little. the worst thing was my head. it started pounding. those headaches where you literally feel it pulsing. furthermore, i felt hot, as in temperature wise la. dots. that day was a loooooong day for me. 2 panadols did help a little though.

my dream for a DSLR also seemed to be getting nearer yet getting away now. the parents actually agreed to go check it out that fateful day ( mum had other motives as well ). we went to Courts ( Mega store ) to check out the promotions they were having for a Canon's DSLR. at least we found it to be genuine and not some 'fake' marketing scheme they had, unlike the laptop mum was keen to check out. shall not elaborate on the 'fake' marketing scheme then. however, the mum was not really pleased so she changed the subject away from my camera, so there goes my dream? sigh. i am still on the quest to get it. i shall continue my psycho-ing and persuasion to get it.

sis is having fun there now, compared to her semi-loneliness while touring with the group cos she is with her friend and soon with Shu. misses them and really wish to be there too. i miss Austria and i want some time to travel Europe too.


no money no talk. life is simply like that. money is everything, isn't it? i remember playing a song when i was young that goes:
" Money can't buy everything.
Money can't make you a king.
Money can't buy happiness..."

please. money is everything now?! it is the simplest form of communication in fact. it is equivalent to language. the different currency means different language. however, i guess there is no limit to being rich. humans are never satisfied hur? i admit i am never satisfied with what i have.

i'm a sinner. sorry.


"BJ ar...means Banana Juice lor." Shu or YX, Saturday 26 July 2008.