scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

hair. the one on top.

it is intriguing to me that my hair, on the top of the multi-cellular me, is growing at such a rate. at the same time, it has been bugging me since the day i am exposed to the barber or salons. the barber when it's the dad and salon when it's the mum.

cutting hair was seen as a hindrance during the young days. the thought of being stuck to a chair with only occasional movements of the head ( only down and up? ), sends spasmodic notices that screams "NO!" to the brain. defying the mum's orders will only result in the not-so-legendary sutra from all mothers to spill and drown me.

furthermore, being the fashion disaster in the past ( not to say i'm that trendy now, cos i'm not ), it has never crossed my mind that a hair style defines a person too. it took me several adolescent years to realise that. it was during the secondary days that i started having a mind of my own.

ok, deviating, but i have so many unfinished posts. posts for different stuff. and the dates are running wild. dates as in 27 September 2008 kind of dates.


back to the hair-y issue. i am still in the midst of finding one hair style that i can wear for a long time. one that really suits me? i have been getting so many different views from all around me. Celia says the slightly long and helmet-looking hair is cute. Sis and Shu says keep it short and sweet. classmates also say shorter seems better. Bro says keep it long ( the only one that i tend to trust the least ). sorry bro, not to comment on your taste. guess i'll have to carry on searching for that my-own look.

on top of that, my hair grows like weeds. see the sun and they grow. ma new hair cut will never last more than 2 weeks. after the 14th day, it will look out of shape and starts the evolution once more. its like...
the plains ------ grasslands ------ bushes ------ helmet ------ longer helmet
this is the evolution cycle hur? dots. bad hair days will result on periodic occurrence as it will usually be during the middle stage, bushes, only.

anyone with remedies to slow down hair growth? on the top. dots.


"if there is a fire, Kon must run first." Celia, when my hair was a 'bush-look-alike'.