scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the first day i spend such money again.

noticed the word again?? that's the main idea.

before earning much income from the relief teaching i am currently embarked on, i actually went to indulge in some self-pampering shopping. yea. i am those who 'spend-2-bucks-when-they-only-have-1' kind of person. least i know the money will come in at the end of the month.

life recently has been monotonous. just like the life line of a person's heartbeat when they are dead. it has been simply three words. Eat. Sleep. Teach. ok, maybe also online movie-ing? yea. i'm a pirate. is this safe to declare? reminds me of those customs where that two lanes are there for you to choose. I have always harboured this thought about it when i was young: "who the hell will ever drive into the 'something to declare lane' ?? like duh...'i have some pirated CDs on me now. do check me.' But, that was the dumb and pea-brained period of my life. although i might still be that pea-brained.

it has been two weeks into the holidays and i've been missing friends. sigh. chalets, birthdays and some gatherings coming up. dunno if i should attend every single one of them, but...i do feel like going. to spice up a little?! shopping cart lately got filled with some stuff which i have longed for. although clothes are not included cos i can nvr get my hands off them. my dream to explode the cupboard of mine is still on-going.

mum went to Jakarta over the weekend to settle some accounts stuff. of cos, i bugged her to do some shopping as well. i got a bag and polo-t in return, not a bad catch after all. the bathroom slippers her hotel provided were in fact, made of styrofoam. which i have never seen. cos i only saw cloth and those cushioned types. also, i dun understand why they actually took it back. although i know people do collect them, the shampoo and soap bottles, toothbrush and et cetera. i am itching to travel too. the last time i went overseas wasn't a tour or free and easy trip. it was kinda a planned and forced trip by the parents. i want a real holiday. i'm suffering from jet lack. yes. lack of jets cos i have not taken a plane for years?? as in for holiday. kind souls out there..please donate to my "help Kon fly" campaign. thank you very much. you can send your donations directly to Tampines Street 11 Blk......( i dun intend to have a stalker tailing me after this post, although i know i won't )

Celia must be nagging away about how i have forgotten bout her. haha. definitely whining away. therefore, be glad that we are gonna catch up on Friday alright?! teaching kids has really improved my patience ( yes! just after two weeks ). some parents are among the factors though. parents are classified by me into three groups now: 1. the really nice and friendly ones. 2. the over protective and kiam pa bin ( asking-for-it-face ) ones,. 3. those where talking to them equates to putting your head in the lion's mouth kind.

a case of no. 3 came across me last week. although a little exaggerated, they were giving me a hard time while i was teaching their precious daughter ( who does not practice much and chooses song that she likes only ). i might not be that experienced but at the very least i can teach still. sigh. some people are just arrogant and stubborn. but i'm fine. i'll be happy if he pulls her out for the time being, till sis returns.

alright den, off to munching some food before leaving for work. a long day today cos the administrator did me a favour by not having classes yesterday and pushing them to today. which is going to eat away at my dinner time. oh god. i'm going to have to starve.
