scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


yes. my home would do much better if it was hit by a tranqilizer gun. obviously this house has no peace and its nerve racking to bear with it. trying let it flow through ur ears hoping it will leave throught the other side. i am learning to become deaf here, do join me if ur keen.

the house is filled with regular naggings that would have been perfect for a speech rally. yes, they are that irritating and also tedious to listen to. it seems like the parents have been training on their cardio. dots.. and that dumbass good for nothing brother of mine is putting everyone in a difficult spot by bringing home some stupid trouble and a smug face wif his 'brilliant' results, not that it was that bad. but, u know the parents now are asking for straight 'A's so mum and dad, pin ur hopes on him, cos i will nvr yield such a result to serve u with that beautiful china set at home.

yes, im still rather the employed maid even though my mum's back, cos it seems like the house has only the 2 of us. my mum was jus telling me that she would win the first prize lottery if my brother would help her with housework automatically, yes, which is totally impossible. unless we're talking bout possession or an angel shooting him down (with a sniper, i hope. to get optimum results ya.).

at least i got new clothes. thanks to mum. and a whole selection of hello pandas! can nvr live without them.

fine, i'll go watch my shows.


Friday, March 21, 2008

I forgot to...

Wish u, everyone a Happy Good Friday. im not christian but i jus celebrate all kinds of festive, yes even Hari Raya (all the different kinds.), and also Depavali cos my neighbours are from all walks, race and religion of life. sharing of our festive food has become our tradition here. we are one big family! dots.. so i get to eat them everytime some festive arrives, wonder what i will get later. yummilicious! ooo..

anyways ya, jus a short post to wish u guys a happy Good Friday and of cos in the case that i disappear during these few days, i shall also wish u guys a happy Easter too.

eggs. eggs. eggs.


I'm the newly employed maid.

Yes. i am the newly employed maid, Maria, Mary, Sophia, wadeva it may be. i am pissed. damn pissed.

Y must it be me to do the laundry and fold them still. and that big ass brother of mine can laze around and watch his anime on crunchyroll. damn him(den save him, afterall he is my brother.) contradiction spotted. he is super uber lazy, dunno anyone tats worse till now. sighs.

mum's in jakarta. flying back in less than a day in fact. time flies and all i did was waste it, sigh. at least mum's getting me clothes. something to look forward to! reaching my aim to burst that cupboard! great. went shopping, tried some clothes, see many clothes touch many clothes but not many i can buy. dots...

well, im broke. i think i can never support myself for long untill i get a stable income tat is BIG enuf to handle my splurging self. splurging is my forte. i need financial planning assistance la. anyways, down to my designing again. write again soon, as if there are people reading.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Opening Speech.

Hello! well..kinda long before i decided to start on my own blog. reason being i dunno wad to write about and how to really write them. thoughts? happenings? funny things around me? or what else can i write? hmmm..i have quite an 'interesting' life so i seriously have no idea wad to share sometimes. maybe stuff that come across me daily or rare occasions i guess.

Being first opening post. YES! my virgin post! i gave it to you guys lor. so nice of me yar? waha.. am holidaying now till mid april where i will be beginning my 2nd year of studying. which i never looked forward to in fact.

I hate murphy's law or rather i LOVE it! why does it rain only when u forgot to bring ur umbrella? isn't it frustrating. to always experience something when u least expect it most. Grrr. Im sitting here, adjusting my butt every 2 - 5 minutes because i had a minor injury at the back near my hip. discomfort is all there is and my bed looks like a piece of heavenly created patch of feathers in a nest for me to snuggle up and doze away in this weather. zZz.

random. alright then. i shall post again after some time maybe or after we sent my mum off to the airport. She's flying! air pork! ok. sorry mum, u no air pork ur vegetarian.

off to bed or piano-ing..
