scene and heard. all around me. anyone who bothers. the simple-minded trying too hard. the dumb yet punny fella. sociable yet introverted. how contradicting.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Friday Fortnight Fhing

haha. im just bent on making all four words start with "f".

before internship started, the "chestnuts" (our hangout, chill, talk rubbish and good pals bunch) decided to have a fortnight meeting every friday so as to perk ourselves and have something to look forward too, or so that's what i think? haha.

Yesterday was the first! and we had it going well. everyone was happy to see one another, share our first week experiences and happenings. Jared's one was hilarious, i mean really hilarious.

fish&co was our menu for dinner and we all ate till out stomachs showed. is this considered exaggeration? but mine did show anyways, might be due to the fact that i'm too thin at the width ..dots..

as usual, we wondered the streets of dhoby ghuat, somerset and orchard aimlessly. luckily, we chose to chill at Cine's (cineleisure) Xin Wang Cafe (a hong kong cafe that serve HUGE toats). we ordered more food despite the lingering food within from fish&co. i loved my "yuan yang/ying yong (spelled by them)" or it's simply coffee + tea. i ordered my all-time fav: kaya butter toast. one word: BIG

the whole night was filled with chattering and laughing, how free eh? but we all know it only happens fortnightly on that friday which will come soon..

how not to look forward to it right? furthermore, i can't swim anymore..random..sigh..

"the male chicken. isn't that rooster? simply call it cock. isn't cock, cockerel? aiya, cock can already la." a gist of what we talk at work? haha.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Internship: Introduction day

First day at work! it was a total new experience for me because...i've been put into the editorial team for ZDNet Asia. Amazing isn't it?

Well, i've always hoped for a marketing position or related stuff, but i'm finding fun at my current work place. I have a really fun and liberal team. No stress, ok la, a bit stress here and there when you need to come up with story ideas and such.

what else can i ask for? thanks Ms Tan!


Friday, April 10, 2009

31st floor dream.

it was amazing to see such a residency exists in Singapore. it must have been a hotel plan gone wrong. definitely.

how can a condo be built to resemble a hotel that much. although the small units are really tiny as compared to others, but the amenities there are whoopy superb. with a private resort on the 7th floor, a Sky terrace and clubhouse on the 31st floor, it is everything one can ask for.

do i sound like i'm marketing it? wth.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Internship. NYDC. Sentosa. fortunately not Discovery Centre.

many things have happened along the weeks since the last post. my internship briefing, hangout after that, sentosa outing and the mid-night movie.

well, intern would start soon, like the 13 of April. in a week time and i'll be stuck with a routine daily 9 - 5.30 job. how fun is that?! however, i do like my workplace, not sure about the company but Centrepoint is a rather good place. CBS interactive is where i'll be going to. i am quite happy to be posted there, furthermore it is a tech-savvy company. can't wait for all the gadgets and stuff to come.

the group of us went out after the briefing for some chill and makan session. it was funny, stupid and really entertaining. imagine touring the market place in Paragon?! we were all addicted to the meat and cheese section. Salmon! haha.

my favourite that day was Da Paola Gastronoma. that place was awesome. the desserts were tempting me so much, but the price just kept me at bay. the pizza even made us devise a 'fool-proof' plan to steal some pieces of it......

we went to chill at NYDC after that too. it was the funniest part of the day. stupid quotes were thrown here and there. my slice of tiramisu mudpie topped it all off. pure satisfaction i would say.

then, on 30th March, it was the long awaited Sentosa day! and dear Celia even came up with the schedule and plan for the entire day. how amazing and suited for her industry?! i shall talk about it in another post. since i have photos to post too. overall, it was tiring but the fun-est day this year, up to now. haha.

as for the discovery centre, i thank whoever, whatever that allowed me to skip the chance to travel to Jurong. so luckily, Discovery Centre would not be added into the 'places-i've-been-to-this -year' list. long story there too. haha. another time.

anyways, Happy April Fools!

"i enjoyed him when i was in year 2 already." does it sound weird to you? especially from another guy.
